Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Step in the Right Direction

First off, I would like to apologize for my lack of participation in my brand new blog.  I haven't written at all, but there is a reason.

It has been a very busy time, both personally and with the business, but I'm pleased to say that the distribution center is up and running.  I have a DVD slated for release just pending final approval and two currently in pre-production.  I also have an audio CD to produce and distribute and one hopeful, but I'm not sure about it yet. 

Anyway, on to the point.  Vision Video is looking for CDs and DVDs to distribute.  We will also be distributing online (through outlets such as iTunes), but DVD and CD distribution is by far the most expensive and most confusing distribution medium.  If you have ANYTHING that you would like distributed, contact Vision Video at

There will be another update soon.  Thanks for reading!